Education is a key that unlocks countless opportunities. It is way out of poverty, a driving force for social change and an important aspect pf personal development and welfare. This is why it is at the heart of the work we do.
Key focus areas
- Improve access to education by building stronger partnerships with governement structures. This includes increased enrolment, infrastructural development of schools, and teacher training programs.
- Pilot the implementation of online teaching facilities at MH schools and explore providing these facilities to children outside of the MH schools sytem. Increase and standardize the quality of education and welfare support provided at all MH schools.
- Explore and pilot the Imam Khateeb Madrasa system at MH schools
- Integrate the key thematic areas of livelihoods and seasonal programs with beneficiaries of MH education Programs
- Provide vocational training, careers advice and mentoring facilities to children at MH schools.